A week of red wine, unconsumed bottle of Absolut and dead-line till midnight. Summer is rapidly approaching; which I think is a good thing. Say good bye to wool coat, scarves and the desire to see blue skies, white sand and tanned skin. Next week, Im heading to Teramo with my family and relatives for Holy Week. Time to unwind and get over the busy life in the city. Tomorrow, my girlfriends, A, K and L are going to go shopping for next week's shindig. Knock out! Supposedly, Ren is going to visit me this H.W. but there's a conflict. But he's still thinking to come over. Anyways, there's still summer vakay. Oh, and, Im lookin' forward to Saturday, again. Im still hoping and waiting. :)
So what's your plan this coming Holy Week?L.S.: So that was all bullshit right? All that stuff about embracing your pain, making it a part of you? You can't do this, you can't just give up. Life is hard and it's full of pain and what-not, but we take it cause there's great stuff too. And we can do it cause we have friends- because we have each other.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Posted by Ryan at 9:08 AM
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hey lover boy. almost did forget what you looked like.
i'm going to church holy week man. friday, sunday, monday. God bless me. i wish i was at the vatican. haha xx
you know who. if you don't... then buy me gelati. and kinder surprises.
Well, im gonna take the subway for a little trip, im gonna sleep all day, and im gonna buy some summer dresses that i fell inlove with..
@ Anonymous aka Aimèe - Lawl. Thats why I posted my picture.
I wish I could take you in Vatican this HW. :)
@ Glenys - Have fun! <3
take me to the vatican when i got to rome okay? don't forget.
again, you know who hahaha =p
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