I need to find a resemblance of this English guy who also in a band. AMEN
Ciao, xo!
Posted by Ryan at 4:07 PM 3 comments
Scene: Lovely Saturday afternoon and eating decent brunch I prepared for myself while my sister was in front of the mirror for a half an hour. Geeze.
Sister: Oh, you're so pale.
Me: ... (eating)
Sister: Lack of sleep much, eh?
Me: ... (eating and trying to ignore her.)
Sister: You're dead.
Me: Uggh (Suddenly get the 2 medicines in the cabinet) Do you think I could overdose when I take these two?
Posted by Ryan at 2:46 PM 3 comments
As I remember, it's been a while since I write a sound practical intelligence entry.
I'm always blabbing nonsense. Well, I'm a nobody so what would you expect?
So basically, Ive been stuck here at home,again after I came back from vacation. I wish there's a part deux of it. I'm still craving for some more. Literally I'm a homeboy - a bummer. This month is a total mess so far. Me, myself is suffering bad luck. Great! I'm still in the middle of the month of a new year. So I guess there's a lot more stored for me. Suck it.
All I need now is my metrebus card and a mollah to pay my sister for all the damages.
Good night!
Posted by Ryan at 5:46 PM 2 comments
Posted by Ryan at 4:42 PM 2 comments
I'm lovin' Film Noir. I'm not talking about the movie itself but the alternative/indie Swedish band. I just found this great band on Myspace. I really support new good bands, by means of good I say great. Their song keeps playing in my mind repeatedly. It's perfect for my cranberry vodka, cheers! ♥ I'm so happy tonight!!! :]
Good night!
Posted by Ryan at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Photos by: Ryan McGinley
Yay! Theres a new lurker on my blog. Thanks Andriy! :] We're now working on his project. He's a good photographer, Ill post some of his works soon.
Anyways, I was amazed of McGinley's portfolio while I'm browsing all his works. I only picked some of the photos I like but they're all wonderful. The photos depicted the emotions in which every photos has it. I can also see the sense of freedom in every picture. The 1st & 4th photos reminds me of Sigur Ros music video entitled Gobbledigook. Enjoy!
P.S. Im thinking to shut down this blog. =/
P.S.S.: To seventeen, I miss you & the reason of my silence is I don't want to argue with you. You're happy now and I'm letting you go. Au revoir.
Posted by Ryan at 12:34 PM 3 comments
Posted by Ryan at 1:34 PM 1 comments
Posted by Ryan at 3:41 PM 4 comments