Posted by Ryan at 4:21 AM 1 comments
So its exactly 5 hours before New Years Eve here in the Philippines. Im at my cousin's house right now, and everyone is so busy preparing dishes for tonight's party. 16 days left before I come back to Rome.
Posted by Ryan at 3:56 AM 0 comments
This year Im not goin to post any wish list this yuletide season. Though I have lots of things I want. I just need someone who'll put his fingers between mine and warp me around his arms.
Merry Christmas everyone! xo
Posted by Ryan at 5:20 AM 1 comments
These are some shots of a very talented Ragnetto with his Leica M6. Theyre pretty legit. Ill post his site at the end of this entry. Check it out, lovahs!
Ahhh I dig the contrast and the texture of it. Anyways, Ill be back to the Philippines this week, Thursday for vacay. Ill stay there for 50 days. How fucked up is that? I know, its a long vacation. I need to pack my stuff and put all the summer clothes out of my closet now. Gonna miss winter. You know, when you wake up in the morning, curling up on your bed, cappuccino and croissant. Ah, so great.
Im not goin to update this thing more often coz of lack of internet connection; but Ill do my very best. So hate it! You know where to find me if youre important. Ill bring my exercise book to exercise my Italiano more. Oh and my goal this vacay is to loose 20 lbs.
Gonna miss yawl. xo
Posted by Ryan at 11:44 AM 3 comments
This song makes my heart break every time I watch it. And I watch it 24/7.
The video reminds me of an event that is more like dream or something.
Posted by Ryan at 2:58 PM 1 comments
Ahhh! Just love it! Got it in a sweet deal today in a very great condition but I still havent figure it out yet since the manual is in Russian. Just bear with me and Ill post some pictures here. :]
Theres only one guy I know who can teach me how to use it. STEFANO!!! Aiutami, per favore? xo
Posted by Ryan at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Im such a bad blogger. These photos were taken last week. Went Zara to buy my bag but turns out it was already finished. Then we passed by to this beautiful place near in Trevi Fountain.The weather was nice, cold breeze slapping my face. Pretty chilly. Muji with Stefano to buy his stuff and after that we went to a photo exhibition at Palazzo delle Esposizioni. Im in love with these love story drawings. I so wanna take it and put it on my wall. :] We enjoyed our red orange juice and capuccino after the exhibit. It was a fun day.
Posted by Ryan at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Posted by Ryan at 5:42 AM 0 comments
Yay! Its finally here! So I ordered it last week and its all in my hands now. :)
Thanks, Stefano for helping me to get the bag. I so love it! Im planning to order more and they gave me 30% discount on the next stuff Im goin to purchase.
Buona notte, ciao! xo
Posted by Ryan at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ryan at 3:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: 60 artisti, al, Dash, della, di, Macro, McGinley, New, New York Minute, newyorkese, Roma, Ryan, scena, Scene, Snow, York