Spotted: On a cold Thursday morning, lil R walking at Piazza della Repubblica well dress up nothing on his mind but to take & finish the exam. Later on he go straight ahead to Termini & go to his favorite spot -- bookstore. Lil R find a hiding place & stay there for 4 hours. Looks like he found his nouvelle maison. Attento R, someone might caught you.
You know you love every minute of it. Just remember you're not the only one can tear themselves away. The rumors are true. The book that exposes the real life of Manhattan's upper east side & the outsiders who want in. Don't you just love to have a moment w/ your own possession & a vodka gimlet under your sweet rêve?
Books that I'm gonna buy, dammit!
In other unrelated news, I'm deeply in love w/ these:
Sorry, I won't share these w/ you. :]
But for my lil spidey, yes. Aha! Oh I almost forgot, he's not a fan of dolce. xD
So if you'll excuse me I'm gonna watch One Tree Hill & 90210 rerun while having the 2nd deadly sin which is gluttony. Hahah!
share with me.
sil vous plait?
bien sûr. :]
i won't visit you, i will stalk you.
hahahaha, i don't hate america, well, not americans. but i think the governing body in america has made a lot of mistakes, i don't know though, maybe i'm just scared of the americanisation that's taking over the world...
hmmmmmm come to LA with me!
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