Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I dont bite.

This is what I found in you mail today. :) Its lovely, isnt it?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Weak end

Fake pass.

Luca Argentero in his finest. I dig ya, dawg!
Le star of le nuit. Guilia Robertas (Julia Roberts)
Bitch, pls! Love your own CUNT-try!
!!!!!!!Art show!!!!!
ABSOLUT-ly righto.
3-D fire? Nah huh.
Daddy, I know the perfect place for my first runway show. I smell some Wang and Pugh in hur.
PS: Ill post self-portrait photos on my next entry.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I only know him in the dark

Technically my first roll from Zenit 12xp. From 36 shots, these were the only one saved from major damage of the film. Thank Ste.

Lucca, Florence and Pisa are friends

2-day trip with my sister.